
Modern Warfare 2

Today's profile is: 

Pretty simple indeed, but still I must make a pair of comments:

I added a Cycle Weapons macro. It just does that: it changes your main weapon.
It's based on the mouse wheel, so if you remove the mouse wheel up or down option to select weaponit will stop working.

I also added a toggle crouch macro. You must first assign key 0 to it in the control menu because by default it's not activated.

I repeated the melee stick, but since MW2 doesn't support lean, I just placed the melee attack to all four stick directions. You can't complain now that you didn't find the button when you needed!

Here's the link to the download. 
Modern Warfare 2 MW2 Logitech G13 profile:

And that's all for now!


  1. Thanks for this, it was perfect for me after just a couple changes. Bookmarked your site :)

  2. Thanks a lot buddy, it's nice to know that people finds it useful.
