
Battlefield Bad Company 2

Today's profile is:

 Straight to the profile:

The profile uses both M1 and M2 keyboard maps.
The M1 map is the infantry one. You have the four weapon slots to the left while the right column is used for "administrative" stuff like optiones, score etc.
The profile is pretty much like the standard one except for the map, wich you can now use with your thumb, and the stick, that is now used for melee attacks much like the previous Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare profile did. This time though, the melee is activated by moving the stick to the left or right instead of up and down. 

I also attached the UAV up and down controls to the stick so you can move it vertically while horizontally too.

The Rifle macro is present in a pair of keys so whatever you do, you will always have fast access to your weapon. I use a Logitech G9x mouse and I also attached the Rifle button to one of the programmable keys, and I think it's much convenient but not everybody owns this mouse so I just placed the macro here and there.

This time the M2 keyboard map is really useful. I think of it as the "vehicle profile" and thus I set the stick to act as a joystick so you have better control of the chopper. Remember that this requires that you configure your in game controls.

Another change is that the five seats can be accesible from the left keys, so you can shift places with ease.

About the toggle script: I decided not to include it because it gives too much troubles. There are several scripts out there that do this, but none of them work 100% right and that is because the nature of the G13. Due to the way it manages scripts, it's almost impossible to create one that works perfectly.
Besides, after a few days playing I got used to the system just like it is and I don't mind about it anymore.

So after all the chat, here is the profile:

Battlefield Bad Company 2 Logitech G13 profile:



v1.2 Update!!

Here's v1.2
Do you miss old Q coms menu? Don't panic, now M3 has lots of communication macros.

I've added a script to G24. While you keep it pressed you turn the actual keyboard layout to M3. Now you can ask for ammo, repairs or even tease the enemy without stopping to write.
However, keep in mind that this is not an in-game feature but a macro. I recommend you not to press any other key while you run it (les than 0.2 secs or so)

There's aother new feature: Double Tap macro. When in M1, by moving the stick to the right you will fire two shots. AND you will keep firing as long as you push the stick to the right. 
Now you can fire bursts with a pistol, but try it with an M16: full-auto man!!

Keep an eye on the ammo gauge though!


PD: There was a problem with the profile link targeting the old file. It's fixed now.


  1. Hi thanx for the upload but where do i put the file. windows 7 64bit.

  2. Hey!
    Do you use the new or the old interface?
    This profile was intended for the old interface. If you are using the new drivers it might not work. If you are using the old drivers, just download the file and then pick "Import profile" and choose the file. It sould work.

    Pleas ask again if you have any doubt.
    Thanks for your input!

  3. Thx for the profile,is working great whit the new update!Greetings from Romania!

  4. I'm glad to hear that you like it.
    Thanks a lot for your input!!

  5. Maybe u will make a profile for BF3,when it will be released!

  6. Looks like the link is broken...
